5 ways to free up your time

Laundry day might be one of the most boring days when it comes to your daily chores. That is one reason why people scare away from laundry day and try to avoid laundry because it’s so time taking. Also, people with busy schedules do not have a laundry day believing that it’s a waste of time. But if you do it fast enough and have some tricks up your sleeve is not that difficult. Here are some tricks on how you can save time doing laundry:

  • Be proactive: Being proactive useful trait for anything and most things. Therefore, being proactive and not reactive is a useful trait in this case too. How can you be proactive in doing laundry, you ask? Well, there are two cases or examples that there are. Firstly, store laundry according to the way that you want to wash them. When storing worn clothes, keep your whites different from your delicates, your colors different from your plain one colored so that you don’t have to do that on the laundry day. Also, dry stains are a lot harder to deal with than when they happen. Thereby you should try to wash them down as best as possible as soon as they occur.
  • Set a schedule: If you are doing your laundry with your family, try to sync your timings with them, and then you can easily do the laundry of your entire family in one go without doing it again and again on an interval of a couple of days.
  • Keep yourself busy: Though laundry is a very boring task, it does not keep you engaged. You throw your clothes or sheets in, and then you wait for them to get washed and then switch to the dryer and then wait for them the same thing. Wouldn’t it be better for you to do something else while your clothes are getting washed? While you let your wash or dryer run, do something else gets some work done.
  • Do your laundry from time to time: Do not let your laundry become a huge pile, thereby making it a lot harder when the day comes. This will increase your efforts and increase the burden on your machine; thereby, it might be better if you do your laundry at the right time and not leave it for the future.
  • Be a faster folder: Until technology catches up to create robots that will fold your clothes, I’m afraid you are on your own. But just like anything, you cannot waste time on this either; thereby, it might do you better if you find ways to fold your clothes faster within two to three flips so that you don’t waste busy folding your clothes. You can prioritize what is needed to be folded better and those that can be left unfolded.

Now you know how you can speed up a task as mundane as laundry so that you can find time for more interesting things. So next time you go for laundry, do not let it occupy you for the rest of the day. Get up and do your laundry today!

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