How to pick the right time for doing laundry

We all wear clothes and ideally, we wash them as well, unless you are the smelly kid no one likes. Usually, we do not give much importance to the time at which we wash them, but what if I told you that the time you wash your clothes at could have a significant impact on your daily life and make it easier. But just like one glove does not fit everyone, a single time to wash their clothes is not suitable for everyone as everyone has different needs.

Here are the suitable times for some sections of people

•          For students, bachelors and anyone who lives alone, the best time to wash their clothes is either when they come back from their jobs or when they come back from their college. They can wash their clothes once or twice a week to save time for studies or work. Since students and bachelors live alone, they do not have many clothes to wash in the first place. They can keep their dirty clothes in a laundry basket and keep on adding dirty clothes in it till it is the time to go for washing them again. This method not only saves time, but it also saves an extra task and provides some much-needed relief.

•          For households with infants, the newly born baby clothes should be washed every day as the newly born babies are more susceptible to diseases and infections, these infections may come from the clothes that haven’t been washed properly. Special care should be taken while washing an infant’s clothes because if the cleaning is not properly done, some traces of dirt that can be harmful to the infants’ sensitive skin may remain on the clothes. If unwashed detergent is left on the clothes, it will also be very harmful to the infant as the detergent is known to cause skin irritations. Always use soft water and if possible use organic detergents which are meant for sensitive skin. Always massage the baby with oil before making it wear fresh clothes.

•          Athletes should wash their workout clothes every day as it can be a home for various bacteria developed in sweat. Sweat also gives off a very unpleasant odour that may become a source of embarrassment for the athlete. Clothes can be done in the night or when the athlete is meal prepping for the day. Since athletic clothing is durable, it can withstand multiple washes; hence, it is advised to use a strong detergent to eliminate all the possible bacteria and pathogens present in the clothing.

•          For anyone who wishes to save money, washing their clothes at night is your best bet. In most countries after this time, the electricity cost per unit is way less than it is in the morning. Since washing machines use a lot of electricity, it is always better to make sure that you save as much money as you can by washing your clothes late at night.

•          Working professionals should always ensure that they have spare formal shirts that taken wear to the office. Although if that’s not the case for you, he had to make sure that the clothes you wear to the office are impeccably clean. You have to make sure that you keep a note of the number of fresh formal shirts in your wardrobe and worn. As soon as you can see that there are less than three formal shirts left, it is a good sign that you should wash your clothes.

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